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Elder Care Services

Let’s Help you Remove the Stigmas Attached to Trusting your Care Provider.

Finding a loving and kind care provider for your elderly dear ones can be a difficult job, especially when you’re caught up with daily life hustles. After all, it is not everyone’s cup of tea to understand senior care patiently and lovingly. Every child wishes to provide his parents with a relaxing retirement. However, with everyday life, it becomes difficult to cater to the medical, emotional and physical needs of the elderly as old age can be a challenging journey. That is where Senior Care Services and Elder Care Services step in! 

We understand that it can be hard to trust another person with the health of your parents. However, Senior Care Services are professionally modelled to ensure the holistic care of your elderly dear ones with medically assisted professionals and equipment. Let old age be a smoother journey by letting us build a community that helps them feel alive all over again! We are here to destigmatize Senior Care Services. 

Why is Senior Care Stigmatized? 

Before discussing the stigmas associated with Senior Care, let’s address the reasons for the stigmatization of senior care. As established before, we often find it hard to give the responsibility of our parents’ wellbeing in the hands of a third person. It is hard to believe that another person is capable of taking care of our loved ones as well and efficiently as we can. 

Another reason can be the conventional conditioning that exists within the parameters of society which associates the hiring of Senior Care Providers with abandoning one’s parents. This perceived notion of abandonment challenges the stance of senior care services in India. Even if someone feels that a care provider could still be better at taking care of his parents than him, this traditional notion affiliated to the services might not allow him to give his parents better old-age care. Now that we have discussed the reasons why senior care services are stigmatized let’s move on with studying the stigmas closely. 

Stigmas associated with Elderly Care Services: 

Some of the many stigmas associated with senior care services are: 

  1. Opting for senior care services might be equivalent to abandoning your parents: Senior care service providers are medically and psychologically trained to take care of your parents in the best way possible. For a person who is not trained in the senior medical care field, it is challenging to keep track of an older adult’s meals, physical health and medicines. 
  2. Elderly Care Services only focus on medical and physical needs: Researchers have proven that older adults need more emotional, psychological and medical attention than young people. When someone thinks of a senior care service provider, they often visualize them as someone who can only medically assist an older person. However, aged care services take care of the overall wellbeing of the elderly, covering their psychological, biological, physical, mental and emotional health. Senior Care Service providers are trained to promote a loving, kind, and affectionate environment for their loved ones, which help them feel a sense of comfort and belongingness.  
  3. Opting for Senior care services induces guilt on the minds of children: We understand and recognize your concern regarding the wellbeing of your parents. Opting for senior care services is a wise move, as it is a loving blend of hospitality and healthcare, and you’re doing what’s best for your parents. 

How can we remove these stereotypes and taboos?  

Now that we’re well-versed with the challenges that Senior care faces in India, we can move forward with recognizing how we can contribute to removing these stigmas which hinder the process of promoting a healthy lifestyle for the elderly. 

Following are some ways in which we can contribute: 

  1. Recognizing senior care services as a conglomerate of hospitality and healthcare. 
  2. Spreading social awareness about the initiative of promoting the emotional and physical wellbeing of the elderly through senior care services. 
  3. Normalizing seeking help from care providers for a secure future for your parents. 


With the pandemic comes ambiguity. Secure the health of your parents and grandparents by letting us help you with medically verified homecare services. Contact Senior Care Genie for elder care services in Delhi, Senior care services, elder care services!