Initiating Sensitive Conversation Introducing the concept of senior living to your elderly loved one

Initiating Sensitive Conversation Introducing the concept of senior living to your elderly loved one

India is a multicultural and diverse country with wide socioeconomic disparities and a highly heterogeneous population that heightens the complexities of establishing effective healthcare systems, aids, training, and awareness, especially when it comes to the country’s neglected strata- the elderly populace. For ages, India had a prevalent tradition of joint families wherein the extended family lives together, sharing the financial burden. Usually, the oldest person of the family is addressed as the head of the family and the house’s decision-maker. However, the dynamics have quickly changed with the emergence and popularization of nuclear families and youth’s movement to metropolitan cities. 

This disruption in the family support system, growing financial dependence on an external body, reduced physical and mental capabilities of the elderly, along with a myriad of factors, have necessitated the presence of elderly care or assisted living homes that comply with quality standards and equipped with trained staff. One’s growing age is often accompanied by chronic diseases and neurological disorders which need constant care and unfaltering attention from skilled carers, whether at home or a nursing home, but the question lies as to how one shall initiate a conversation regarding this with their loved ones.   

Assisted living or senior care homes are still very much a foreign concept to many and often associated with emotions like abandonment and burden, especially for the elderly as they become more emotionally sensitive with their growing age. ‘Old age home’ when we hear this, the first thing that comes to mind is the stress, depression, and mental harassment that old people go through and the hopelessness of being devoid of a choice. The truth is for many cases; assisted living homes can help improve the wellbeing of the elderly through interactions in a similar community and assistance with daily living activities.  The perception the society has regarding nursing homes or care homes is that it is unethical and is a place of extreme pain and suffering. However, getting the right care for your ageing loved ones, especially when it comes to a condition that requires 24×7 monitoring, can entail this tough decision that at some point would need to be brought to the notice of your elderly family members too. 

The following points can make one feel more prepared to initiate tough conversations regarding senior living:

Doing necessary research

Before initiating the conversation with your loved ones, do your research and build an understanding of various options, senior care homes near you, the various benefits it can offer so that you have the answers to the critical question raised by your loved one. Assess your budget and expectations so that the necessary preparations regarding the same can be made and relayed to the people involved in the decision-making process.

Don’t procrastinate the conversation 

Having the conversation before the situation of your ageing loved ones worsens is essential not to make any hasty decisions and give ample time to the elderly to get comfortable with the idea. Let them be an active part of the discussions rather than bombarding them with the concept without heeding their concerns.

Listen well

A conversation, especially one that involves your loved ones’ happiness and wellbeing, needs to be a two-way street with more emphasis on listening rather than just getting your point across. Feelings of uneasiness, shock, hurt might appear in the elderly, along with emotional closure in some cases. However, it is your duty as a family member to listen actively to their concerns and understand where they are coming from. It is crucial to understand the importance of tone of voice, approach, wordings, and body language while discussing the idea of elderly care homes with seniors.

Take it slow

Be prepared to have numerous conversations as being too rushed and pushy is not the right answer when it comes to a sensitive topic like assisted living homes. It is a big decision requiring significant life changes and commitment. Therefore, everyone involved should have due time to assimilate the intensity and impact of the ensuing discussions.

Plan a visit

Scheduling tours to local communities and assisted living environments should come as a far off step since you would not want your loved ones to be helpless and paranoid of being devoid of any decision making capability regarding their own lives. However, once the heat has subsided, touring senior care homes and the amenities provided can present a much clearer picture to the elderly. 


There is no doubt that this process encompasses the complexity of emotions and difficulties regarding finding the most appropriate care for the elderly to remain assured of their living quality. The elderly care services at home provided by Senior Care Genie enables families to make more informed and better decisions regarding the right care for their ageing loved ones. Our guidance accompanies you in your emotional difficulties and confusions regarding choosing the aptest assisted living home and at-home care.