Lack of emphasis on Mental Health Problems Prominent in elderly<br><br>

Lack of emphasis on Mental Health Problems Prominent in elderly

Contrary to common beliefs and knowledge regarding the various facets of ageing, mental health problems in the elderly populace is an issue that is often neglected and has limited awareness regarding it. Unknownst to many, the same ‘old age’ that many commonly associate with a period of peace also presents the issues of development of neurological disorders, anxiety, depression and more in the senior citizens.

These problems are either overlooked or under-identified by the elderly’s families and the healthcare system; since the matter is commonly shunned away as a sign of senility, there is not enough dialogue in the society concerning this situation.  As the population of the elderly in India steadily increases, this undiscussed issue becomes quite prominent due to the prevailing shortfalls in the available healthcare resources, absence of chronic disease care models and inadequate training opportunities. Thereby pointing to the need for skilled personnel, assisted living homes and community-based rehabilitation programmes capacitated to accommodate the elderly care requirements.

State of Geriatric Mental Health in India

India is a multicultural country with huge socioeconomic disparities, and a significant portion of the elderly population dependent on external help for maintaining their livelihood. In this scenario, the lack of necessary infrastructure, government initiatives, and awareness campaigns have a compounding effect on the aged existing predicament with no effective resolution in sight. Mental health stats speak that a notable number of older people suffer from Alzheimer issues, depression, panic attacks and anxiety disorders.  

The mental disorders in senior citizens are attributed to the ageing of the brain, deteriorating physical health, pathological conditions affecting the brain and disruptions in the family support systems, economic dependence and even social stigma and isolation. Depression is also quite common among senior citizens, and the ratio is increasing with each passing year. Other than that, the other disorder often found in the elderly group is anxiety along with depression. Along with anxiety disorders, phobias, hoarding syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorders are some of the other common mental health issues found in elderly-aged people.  

Older people are less likely to seek help regarding their mental problems compared to young adults due to inaccessibility to the right care systems and lack of awareness, which is why we need to stay more conscious regarding the issues found in the elderly populace. Getting the right help for the elderly starts with identifying the early signs of disorders by family members so that necessary steps can be taken to ensure suitable treatment and care for one’s ageing loved ones. 

Below mentioned are the few common symptoms of mental illness in senior citizens-

Although it is pretty common to find some changes in behaviour as one progresses to age. Still, closely monitoring unexpected and out of the ordinary behaviour patterns in the elderly can act as the primary indicator of certain psychological and neurological conditions. Forgetfulness is not something serious if not found to be of high intensity. However, persistent memory loss is a serious concern and requires proper medical attention.

1. Behavioural or lifestyle changes, including the way of speaking, dressing, or newly developed roaming habits, can be one of the primary warning signs.

2. Rapid changes in the body-weight or frequent mood swings with depression lasting for more than a couple of days can be other probable symptoms.  

3. Body aches, feeling of worthlessness or avoiding society and peers is another major sign that we often overlook in the old aged people believing this is natural with ageing. It is not natural to find our ageing loved ones completely shutting themselves and disconnecting from their social circle and society in general.


In the end, it is suggested not to be indecisive while seeking help for your elderly loved ones, and any symptoms that catch you off-guard might be the precursor to a more significant issue. This process can be stressful, lonely and confusing for families who don’t know where and how to get the best care for their ageing loved ones. Senior Care Genie which is one of the best senior living consultant was created to make this journey easier and convenient for families with the right guidance and assistance in choosing the most suitable assisted living homes and at-home care and transitioning to the new environment at care homes. We strive to improve the quality of elderly living by enabling informed decisions and skilled staff for the ap test care for seniors.