Tag: elder care services

Spotting early signs of dementia in the elderly

In this busy and fast moving world, how does one ensure optimal care for their elderly loved ones? With so much occupying our time and the lack of proper knowledge, sometimes it can be hard to timely notice the symptoms of various health conditions in the elderly. One such disease is Dementia. Dementia usually occurs in older people. One might even associate the symptoms of dementia as a normal part of ageing due to lack of understanding of this condition. While memory loss and changes in the ability to think can also happen due to ageing, the differentiating factor lies in the severity of the change. 

Dementia has a few noticeable symptoms that occur as a result of cognitive impairment and can affect the elderly’ daily routine including their ability to think, remember. With time these symptoms tend to get worse, so it is important to spot these signs early on to enable the elderly to get optimal care before the condition worsens.

Typically there are ten early dementia signs. Diagnosis for dementia usually occurs when two or more of these symptoms start showing up and affecting the elderly’s daily routine.

The early signs of dementia are:

  • Loss of memory

An elderly with dementia may find it difficult to remember information such as dates, events or any new information that they have recently learnt. They may rely on family and friends or other memory aids to monitor things. Age-related memory loss is something completely different from the memory loss induced by dementia. The point of difference lies in the severity.

  • Difficulty in solving problems

It can be difficult for elderly with dementia to follow a plan, like a recipe during cooking. Navigating daily life activities can also become challenging, for example, adding numbers while calculating bills.

  • Misplacement of things

People with dementia may not recall where they leave everyday items such as remote control, documents, cash, or keys. Often, this misplacement can be mistaken as an act of robbery by elderly with dementia. In such cases, keep your calm and help them find the things that they have misplaced.

  • Less socialising

Elderly with dementia may be uninterested or dicey about socialising with others, be at home or work. They may withdraw themselves and not speak to others.

  • Mood swings and personality changes

The elderly might start experiencing mood swings or changes in personality. They may become irritable, depressed, afraid, or anxious. They can also become agitated or may harm themselves or others in the family.

  • Difficulty in performing simple tasks

Early signs of dementia in the elderly include difficulty in performing their everyday tasks. Activities that they could carry out earlier easily can also become extremely challenging for them. 

Bathing, cooking, and dressing themselves are few of the simplest tasks that the edlerly would need help with if they start showing dementia symptoms.

  • Confusion

Some people start experiencing confusion during early stages of dementia. They can no longer remember faces, find the right words, or normally interact with people.

  • Having trouble in speaking and writing

It can be difficult for an elderly with dementia to communicate well. They may forget what you say or what someone else said. Their spellings, punctuations, and grammar can become distorted, and It can become harder to read their handwriting.

  • Repetitiveness

Repetition in dementia occurs due to memory loss and changes in general behavioural patterns. The individual may repeat everyday tasks, including shaving, or collecting items obsessively.

They may repeat the same question to you again and again even after you have answered them. 

  • Fight to adapt to change.

The symptoms can generate fear in the edlerly during the early stages of dementia. After all,  suddenly they can’t remember people they know and can’t follow what others say. They might not even remember why they went to a particular shop and may even feel lost on the way home.

elderly care services at home

While we Make your Parents Transition Easier, Transparency is the Key!

Senior Caregivers play a vital role in assisting your parents and elderly ones with their basic requirements, medical needs and providing companionship along with emotional support. While caregivers help you take care of your parents, you need to be transparent with them and provide them with authentic & credible information about the whereabouts of your parents. 

Why is transparency with the caregiver important? 

The caregiver you hire becomes responsible for the overall well-being of your parents. Therefore, it is essential for them to know your parents in terms of their habits and medical requirements to avoid any chances of mistakes and perform their jobs in a more reliable way. 

Moreover, when a caregiver knows about your parents in a fulfilled way, they can act immediately during emergencies and unavoidable situations. Hence, Being transparent with the caregiver you hire ensures the safety of your parents and helps you feel relieved knowing that your parents are in safe hands. 

How can you be transparent with the caregiver? 

When it comes to our loved ones, we should not take any chances. When you hire a senior caregiver for your parents, you must ensure that they are aware of the following details about your parents: 

  1. Current Health conditions: You must brief the caregiver you hire about your parents’ current health status to ensure that they are up to date regarding their health condition. This helps them get a better idea of taking care of your parents in the best way possible. For instance, if your parents have diabetes, it gives the caregiver time to preplan your parent’s diet and medication schedule accordingly.
  2. Medical history: While you brief the caregiver about your parents’ current health status, you should also brief him/her about their medical history, i.e. any diseases they have recovered from in the past, any medical surgeries/ operations etc. This will allow the caregiver to be more vigilant and do essential aftercare to prevent the medical condition from happening again. 
  3. Contact details of their doctor: Your parents’ caregiver must have access to their doctor’s number and the address of the nearest hospital facility for regular checkups and medical emergencies. You can also give them the local ambulance’s number to be on the safer side. 
  4. Daily schedule: You should also brief the caregiver about your parents’ daily schedule when they wake up, have breakfast, have evening tea, etc. This will help the caregiver in helping your parents at the comfort of their daily schedule as older adults don’t always go well with instant changes. 
  5. Hobbies, habits, likes & dislikes: These aspects of your parents’ life have a more prominent role to play than you think. Old age often makes people grumpy, and the slightest inconvenience or change that they don’t appreciate can make them feel irritated. Therefore, if their caregiver knows about their habits, likes, dislikes and hobbies, s/he can help your parents transition at ease. For example, your parents’ favourite dish/cuisine, the most likeable TV show, how they like their tea, etc. 
  6. Allergies: If your parents’ have any allergies, you must brief their caregivers about them beforehand. 
  7. Diet Chart: If your parents’ have any dietician who has consulted a specific diet chart, you can brief their caregiver about it so s/he plans their meals according to that. 
  8. Mental Health status: Old age hcan take an emotional toll on your parents as the transition is not easy. If your parents are undergoing psychological counselling or therapy, it is best if their caregiver knows about it. This will assist the caregiver in taking a sensitive approach towards taking care of your parents. 
  9. Exercise schedule: Exercises are a healthy way to keep your parents engaged and active. If your parents follow an exercise schedule, brief their caregiver about it—for example, types of exercises, time of evening walks, etc. 
  10. What are your expectations from the caregiver: Lastly, you should be honest and transparent about what you expect from the caregiver to ensure good cooperation, coordination and communication. Both parties need to be on the same page for the well-being of your parents. 


Transparency strengthens the connection you experience with your parent’s caregiver. Proper, organised and systematic care management is only possible on the grounds of mutual transparency. If you are looking for an old age home in Gurgaon, elder care services, and elderly care services at home, contact Senior Care Genie for more details!

home attendant for elderly

Helping you feel assured of the wellbeing of your ageing loved ones.

Amidst the fast pace of life and work commitments, how does one ensure the right care and adequate wellbeing of their ageing loved ones? In a scenario of a hectic job occupying most of your time or a situation where you are living away from home, ensuring that your parents and grandparents needs are being met in an attentive and empathetic manner can become a matter of concern. Uncertainty looms at the back of your mind, and while one tries to make arrangements to the best of their capabilities, a lingering need for assistance with elderly care still remains for one to truly feel assured and go on with their daily routines with peace of mind. 

Through our comprehensive and personalized home nursing services in Gurgaon, Delhi & other cities, SeniorCareGenie extends this assurance to families regarding the wellness of the elderly by ensuring optimal care of their ageing loved ones by meeting every healthcare and personal need of theirs. What we offer goes beyond just the phrase ‘elder care services’ as we strive to build life-long relationships with the elderly and their families through an approach that supports and stands with them during emergencies. The extra time and efforts we take in our processes are evident to how important it is for us to be extremely observant, meticulous, empathetic, and reassuring in the at-home senior care services we provide to the families, further elaborated below. 

Medical assessment

This is the first step of our process that ensures that we know everything of value regarding the requirements of the elderly and their families. We don’t try to fit others in the moulds of a fixed service template but rather analyze their needs and customize what we offer accordingly. We learn your detailed history from you, including the health of the senior and your specific requirements, to shortlist the profiles of caregivers optimal for what you are searching for in terms of senior care. 

Personalized for your requirements

While we offer very comprehensive programs for at-home elder care that covers all aspects of assistance with daily living activities and health maintenance, we understand senior care is not one size fits all, and that every family has different requirements. That is why we tailor-made our programs to best align with the specific needs of the elderly and their families to help them in a way that best serves their lifestyle and the gaps they are trying to fill with our service. We go above and beyond in truly making the process easier, convenient and befitting to them, whether it be their search for 24×7 senior care, companionship for their ageing loved ones or more.  

More than just a service 

We build a long-term relationship with the families we help and connect with to ensure that they have a support system to rely on and trust during emergencies, even when they are away from home and can’t be physically present to handle the entire situation related to their ageing loved ones. We become the pillar of strength they need and cater to the elderly’s difficulties as their family would. 

Regular reporting 

We understand that despite every measure and assurance, one can still feel anxious and constantly worried about what is happening back at home to their ageing loved one’s health and care. That is why we share fortnightly and monthly reports with families detailing the health, activities, condition, and outings of the elderly so that they remain updated about the wellbeing of their parents and grandparents at all points. 

Transparency & flexibility

We are completely transparent in what we offer and provide. We don’t take the absence of the family from their home for granted and keep you intimated about however things are transpiring with the elderly. Even when families feel that the caregivers are not a perfect fit with their requirements or expectations, we are very upfront in training another caregiver or nurse and then appointing them in the place of the previous carer. Our main focus is the utmost comfort of the seniors and no compromises on their dignity and quality of living, and for ensuring that we are flexible in responding to the fears and concerns of the families. 

Sometimes, families have certain inhibitions about making the entire payment upfront since they feel unsure and uncertain. Thus we offer a buffer period of three days to families, after which if they choose to continue with the service, they can enjoy flexible payment options. In an attempt to make the decision stress-free and easier for them, we provide fortnightly and monthly payment options available to families at their convenience. 

The core focus of our extensive elder care services in Delhi, Gurgaon & other cities is to ensure absolute maintenance of the wellness of the elderly by making quality and assured care accessible to families. We are comprehensive, flexible, transparent, ethical, honest and careful in our approach of making senior care as untroubled and convenient as possible. If you are looking for a home attendant for elderly, or any other senior care services, contact us for more details!

senior care services

Making independent at-home living possible for your ageing loved ones

In the quest to find the best care for the elderly, the most important thing we consider is their overall well-being and improving their capability to live independently. One wants to ensure that their ageing loved ones are equipped with the necessary resources, tools and assistance to enjoy unhindered quality living while also maintaining their independence. 

SeniorCareGenie, with our comprehensive elder care services, facilitate at-home independent living to be possible for the seniors. Our senior care solutions, along with our one-of-a-kind approach rooted in companionship and building relationships, ensure that the elderly can access whatever they need to realize the meaning of ‘independent living’ in their routines truly. Following are the ways we are contributing to making senior living comfortable, manageable and more convenient. 

The assistance of a caregiver

The help and assistance of a trained caregiver can truly be a gamechanger for promoting independent living for the elderly. It ensures not only skilled supervision of their health and prompt response during emergencies but also consistent support with daily living activities. Thus, helping the senior navigate the constraints of everyday life caused by their regressing bodily function, strength or memory. 

SeniorCareGenie enables this to an even higher degree of optimacy by first understanding the requirements of the elderly and then providing them with the caregiver trained to fulfil their specifications. Thus, offering customized elder care solutions to the unique expectations and lifestyle of the seniors and their families. 


Everyone needs companionship, especially with older age when one wants to feel heard and acknowledged, more so because they become more emotionally vulnerable and sensitive. Our customized senior care programs cater to this aspect of elderly care by offering companionship of skilled caregivers, who interact, help and spend quality time with them.  Be it help with daily life chores, a walk in the park, assistance with unforeseen circumstances or booking appointments, independent living becomes possible and easier for the seniors with the help of a trained companion by their side. 

Elderly medical equipment

Equipment stands crucial for maintaining and checking the elderly’s health and providing them convenience in their daily life activities like walking. They become the source for better managing their condition to analyze their various health parameters closely. SeniorCareGenie provides multiple medical equipment for the seniors ranging from wheelchairs, walkers, emergency bells to something more advanced for specific health conditions like dementia. 

At-home sample collection & additional services

The ability to go about their lives normally by being able to access whatever they need at the tip of their fingers is essential for the independent living of the elderly. SeniorCareGenie ensures this for the seniors by making it possible for them to contact plumbers, electricians, drivers, and other personnel for home-related services promptly and conveniently. Additionally, our at-home sample collection and report delivery service for medical tests make a hassle-free living even more plausible as routine health checks are essential for seniors, and we make it more manageable for them. 

Hence, we don’t just offer senior care services but create comfortable experiences for the elderly wherein they are assisted, supervised, supported and attended to without any lags or scope of negligence. Our solutions are holistic and caters to all the difficulties an elder and their family might face through personalized programs made for them specifically. 
As senior living consultants and holistic eldercare service providers, we emphasize relaying the right information to families and customizing our solutions to their unique expectations. The comfort and well-being of the elderly is our first priority. Our processes that involve continued support, thorough analysis of senior’s condition, a unique caregiver training approach, and more are testament to that.

elder care services

In-home care or care homes: Making the right decisions for meeting the needs of elderly

Finding the time required to care for our elderly loved ones isn’t that easy any more while ensuring unwavering attention and assistance with their medical condition. With these rapidly changing times, requirements, and newfound awareness regarding elderly care, the outlook and approach of families regarding at-home care and care homes is changing. This doesn’t mean there are no family bonds anymore, but with developing times, there is far more emphasis on making the best decisions for the elderly rather than putting their wellness aside due to societal taboos. 

If you are confused about the decision of whether to consider at-home services or an assisted living home,  this article can be your handy guide to shed some light on both to make a better decision. 

1)  At-home care can include a wide variety of care, ranging from simple companionship to medical supervision by skilled carers. It can encompass assistance with daily activities, like nutrition, physical activities, non-medical care and more, and is more appealing for older people who want to live in the comforts of their home but need ongoing care that their friends and family are unable to offer.  

Whereas care homes with nursing care are more appropriate for individuals who want to be a part of a community of like-minded people for their social wellbeing, need help with daily living activities, 24×7 professional medical support and supervision. In the case of care homes without nursing care, there still be guidance from trained staff, but it may not be equipped to cater to specific health conditions of the elderly that need highly professional supervision. 

2) At-home care allows for more personalized attention on the elderly by the carer, but here the quality of care will be dependent on the skills, training of the caregiver and their behaviour and approach. 

Whereas, in the case of home cares, one can be ensured of round-the-clock professional help with disorders like Dementia for their ageing loved ones wherein everything from the utility bills, meals, clothing, activities and living will be covered. 

3) With at-home care, the elderly can continue living in a familiar environment with their pets, their neighbours and retain their independence. But on the flip side, there could be issues of lack of skilled carers, caregivers turning up late for work and elderly neglect. 

Whereas in the case of home care, there is a decline in the level of independence the elderly enjoy; they might not be comfortable living in a smaller allotted space, and families might feel guilty and not ready emotionally. However, the seniors will have company at all times, medical assistance required for their optimal health, and overall safety and security. 

This important decision requires a far deeper understanding of the healthcare requirement of the elderly, their social, emotional well being and most of all, their level of comfort. Thus, necessitating help from professionals for making the right decisions and facilitating the best for one’s ageing loved ones. 


There are multiple reasons to consider at-home elder care services or old age homes. One is having a reliable and fine caretaker for your elderly loved ones who are now unable to live independently and probably need somebody by their side all the time. But finding the right care for your loved ones can be time-consuming, challenging and stressful, wherein our consultation services can lend a helping hand to families to make their decisions more informed and most appropriate for their budget and requirements. 

Besides these, we also support senior care services providers’ growth with our mentorship and training, help with setting up the old age homes, etc. Our objective is to offer holistic services that benefit families and the elderly with assistance throughout this journey of transitioning from their home to assisted living home, finding the right old age home, buying elderly medical equipment, at-home care and blood tests, and more.