Tag: elderly care services at home

elderly care services at home

While we Make your Parents Transition Easier, Transparency is the Key!

Senior Caregivers play a vital role in assisting your parents and elderly ones with their basic requirements, medical needs and providing companionship along with emotional support. While caregivers help you take care of your parents, you need to be transparent with them and provide them with authentic & credible information about the whereabouts of your parents. 

Why is transparency with the caregiver important? 

The caregiver you hire becomes responsible for the overall well-being of your parents. Therefore, it is essential for them to know your parents in terms of their habits and medical requirements to avoid any chances of mistakes and perform their jobs in a more reliable way. 

Moreover, when a caregiver knows about your parents in a fulfilled way, they can act immediately during emergencies and unavoidable situations. Hence, Being transparent with the caregiver you hire ensures the safety of your parents and helps you feel relieved knowing that your parents are in safe hands. 

How can you be transparent with the caregiver? 

When it comes to our loved ones, we should not take any chances. When you hire a senior caregiver for your parents, you must ensure that they are aware of the following details about your parents: 

  1. Current Health conditions: You must brief the caregiver you hire about your parents’ current health status to ensure that they are up to date regarding their health condition. This helps them get a better idea of taking care of your parents in the best way possible. For instance, if your parents have diabetes, it gives the caregiver time to preplan your parent’s diet and medication schedule accordingly.
  2. Medical history: While you brief the caregiver about your parents’ current health status, you should also brief him/her about their medical history, i.e. any diseases they have recovered from in the past, any medical surgeries/ operations etc. This will allow the caregiver to be more vigilant and do essential aftercare to prevent the medical condition from happening again. 
  3. Contact details of their doctor: Your parents’ caregiver must have access to their doctor’s number and the address of the nearest hospital facility for regular checkups and medical emergencies. You can also give them the local ambulance’s number to be on the safer side. 
  4. Daily schedule: You should also brief the caregiver about your parents’ daily schedule when they wake up, have breakfast, have evening tea, etc. This will help the caregiver in helping your parents at the comfort of their daily schedule as older adults don’t always go well with instant changes. 
  5. Hobbies, habits, likes & dislikes: These aspects of your parents’ life have a more prominent role to play than you think. Old age often makes people grumpy, and the slightest inconvenience or change that they don’t appreciate can make them feel irritated. Therefore, if their caregiver knows about their habits, likes, dislikes and hobbies, s/he can help your parents transition at ease. For example, your parents’ favourite dish/cuisine, the most likeable TV show, how they like their tea, etc. 
  6. Allergies: If your parents’ have any allergies, you must brief their caregivers about them beforehand. 
  7. Diet Chart: If your parents’ have any dietician who has consulted a specific diet chart, you can brief their caregiver about it so s/he plans their meals according to that. 
  8. Mental Health status: Old age hcan take an emotional toll on your parents as the transition is not easy. If your parents are undergoing psychological counselling or therapy, it is best if their caregiver knows about it. This will assist the caregiver in taking a sensitive approach towards taking care of your parents. 
  9. Exercise schedule: Exercises are a healthy way to keep your parents engaged and active. If your parents follow an exercise schedule, brief their caregiver about it—for example, types of exercises, time of evening walks, etc. 
  10. What are your expectations from the caregiver: Lastly, you should be honest and transparent about what you expect from the caregiver to ensure good cooperation, coordination and communication. Both parties need to be on the same page for the well-being of your parents. 


Transparency strengthens the connection you experience with your parent’s caregiver. Proper, organised and systematic care management is only possible on the grounds of mutual transparency. If you are looking for an old age home in Gurgaon, elder care services, and elderly care services at home, contact Senior Care Genie for more details!

Take a Back Seat While We Help You Choose The Right Home

The longer you live, the more beautiful life becomes. We at Senior Care Genie aim to provide your parents with an inclusive and wholesome community, which can be their space of mindfulness. We understand and respect your concern and love towards your parents, and as a part of our social responsibility, we help you with the right home care services for your parents and grandparents, making them feel welcomed, loved, and alive. 

What is a nursing home? 

A nursing home is a community or multi-residence housing facility for the older people which encompasses an ecosystem of their healthcare & nursing needs. Signing up for a nursing home is a great way to make your parents feel secure in a space that allows them to engage and interact with like-minded people of their age.  

What constitutes a good nursing home? 

There is an end number of qualities of a good nursing home. Before booking a home for your parents, you might want to look for the following things: 

  1. An excellent Old age facility has safety nets within the parameters of its ecosystem. 
  2. A facility with open spaces and greenery for fresh air is always an excellent option to consider. It would help if you also looked out for spacious personal areas.
  3. Every nursing home must have an emergency medical service system with required medical equipment and medical staff. 
  4. A clean and hygienic space is a healthy option to look out for. 
  5. Nursing homes with modern communication and entertainment facilities help you stay connected to your loved ones and keep them engaged. 
  6. It would be best if you also looked out for the standard of living. 
  7. If the organization has any rules, then you must go through them thoroughly. 
  8. The nursing home must have a proper security system to ensure the health and safety of your elderly dear ones. 
  9. Open gardens, a library, walking areas, clubs, and common rooms are always preferable to ensure your parents feel at home. 
  10. Advanced medical facilities and nursing options are crucial for the well-being of your parents. 

About us and what we do: 

In layman language, Senior Care Genie assists you with suitable Senior care services for your parents and grandparents. With our services, we believe in making old age comfortable and spread smiles amongst them. Each smile inspires us to do better. With our senior care services, we wish to increase our outreach to help as many people. With your support, we can make old age a journey full of happiness and gratitude. Old age can be an uncomfortable process if not taken care of timely. We have taken the initiative to destigmatize the notions about Senior Care homes and put forth a healthy and non-biased perception about senior care. 

How can we help you choose the right home for your parents? 

People who have 24*7 jobs cannot always cater to their elderly ones to the best of their abilities. That’s where we step in to help you find the best housing facilities in the industry for your parents and grandparents. With the pandemic comes ambiguity. Secure the health of your parents and grandparents by letting us help you with medically verified old age homes. There are challenging times, and seeking timely medical aid can safeguard not only your parents’ today but also tomorrow. 

We believe that a person never stops growing, and age is just a barrier. Upon thoroughly studying the needs of the elderly, we have come up with a flawless system to facilitate never-ending growth for your parents by providing them with compassionate senior housing facilities. 

After years of research, consultation with healthcare professionals, and counsellors for the elderly, we have established a model to help people with a benevolent and trustworthy housing facility for their parents where they can seek medical, physical and emotional support. 

Conclusion: Senior Care Genie has been established to change the dynamics of Old Age homes and prove the stereotypes wrong. Our services are loyal, honest and trustworthy. So help us normalize using Old age homes for the elderly! If you are looking for an elder care home, elderly care services at home, elder care services in Delhi, contact us for more details.

elderly care services at home

Gaps in at-home elderly care services that Senior Care Genie is filling

There is no denying that with the increasing pace of life and time management challenges, senior care services such as elder care homes and at-home elderly care are becoming a sought after option for ensuring the wellbeing and daily life maintenance of the elderly. However, there still remain many inhibitions and trust issues regarding the quality of care that at-home senior care can provide to one’s ageing loved ones, along with the anxiety of the possibility of abuse and neglect. Finding trained staff and carers becomes another hurdle and challenge for people searching for a kind of assistance that can enable optimal and skilled care to the seniors. 

Moreover, the stigma attached to seeking elderly care services hampers families to explore options that can offer improved quality of living for the elderly and unfaltering attention to them, and further steers them away from finding the right solution to their requirements and needs. Additionally, the general at-home care services are usually unable to meet the families’ expectations and have an inadequate approach towards quality senior care. 

SeniorCareGenie fills this gap through comprehensive at-home eldercare services that include a meticulous caregiver profiling process, detailed medical assessment of the elderly and personalized care programs that align with families specifications and expectations. Following are the ways we are eradicating the potential challenges that at-home care can pose to one’s ageing loved ones in the absence of a methodological, ethical and quality approach and processes.   

The challenge of finding trained & skilled carers

Finding trained staff for the specific medical condition of the elderly is one of the challenges many families might face when looking for at-home senior care, as the usual approach lacks rigorous training of the carers. Training of caregivers is a continuous process as every family will have a different health and lifestyle scenario of the seniors along with varied specifications. 

SeniorCareGenie trains the carers or staff according to these specifications after a detailed study of the families’ expectations and the elderly’s medical history. So, for a senior with difficulties in daily life activities and for an elder afflicted with a medical condition like diabetes, the curriculum and framework of training that their carer would have to undergo will be different.  

The challenge of miscommunication with caregivers

It might be complex for the families to get accustomed to the presence of a caregiver, but the carers face the same challenge in the absence of a smooth transitioning process. For the quality of elderly care to remain uncompromised,  a collaborative effort from both the families and staff is required from the very beginning. 

Our processes ensure an open conversation with families wherein the onus for making the transition of the carer in the new environment easier lies on the shoulders of both us and the families. They are requested to be upfront about their systems, lifestyle, and difficulties, followed by a customized training of carefully chosen caregivers to align with the information we get.  This process ensures no miscommunication and gap between the carer and the families so that the overall experience remains highly synergic.    

The challenge of finding trained dementia care staff

We have a very detailed process of assessing the condition of the elderly needing dementia care wherein we visit their homes with a specialist and a trained nurse to consolidate our understanding of their specific requirements, behavioural symptoms and severity of the condition. 

After a thorough analysis of their medical history comes the part of shortlisting the caregiver who will prove to be an excellent fit to the elderly, followed by training geared at making the carer proficient in managing the symptoms of the senior, their preferences and the families expectations. Moreover, we train three caregivers at a point in the specific condition of the elderly to effectively navigate any unforeseen circumstances or emergencies of the assigned carer that requires prompt replacement. 

The challenge of finding elder care with a human touch

Our caregivers and carers are trained and ingrained with an approach wherein they assist your ageing loved ones as a family where no tasks taken is deemed big and small. This effectively eradicates the worries and anxiety of families regarding issues like neglect and abuse. Given that there is no hindrance to the carers’ responsibility towards the senior they are appointed to, additional responsibility is not a burden until and unless their services are not impaired and halted. 

The challenge of keeping caregivers motivated

We have regular counselling sessions with the staff and caregivers to keep a tab on how they are accommodating to the environment and if they are facing any specific challenges, and any scope for improvements. Our regular call sessions and counselling efforts keep the staff motivated and us updated on the happenings related to the elderly. 

The challenge of finding quick yet quality eldercare service

After hopping on a detailed call with the families regarding their requirements, we provide quick service to them, whether assigning a suitable carer or replacing an existing one, within 3 hours. Also, the families that connect with us and continue with our services get access to our other elder care services on a priority basis. 
As a senior living consultant & senior care service & equipment provider, we aim to make the families feel as comfortable and assured as possible with the at-home elderly care solutions we provide while ensuring that the elderly can enjoy dignified, independent, and happy living. If you are looking for elderly care services at home or a home attendant for the elderly, contact us for more details! We have tailored made programs suiting your requirements best.

elderly care services at home

Initiating Sensitive Conversation Introducing the concept of senior living to your elderly loved one

India is a multicultural and diverse country with wide socioeconomic disparities and a highly heterogeneous population that heightens the complexities of establishing effective healthcare systems, aids, training, and awareness, especially when it comes to the country’s neglected strata- the elderly populace. For ages, India had a prevalent tradition of joint families wherein the extended family lives together, sharing the financial burden. Usually, the oldest person of the family is addressed as the head of the family and the house’s decision-maker. However, the dynamics have quickly changed with the emergence and popularization of nuclear families and youth’s movement to metropolitan cities. 

This disruption in the family support system, growing financial dependence on an external body, reduced physical and mental capabilities of the elderly, along with a myriad of factors, have necessitated the presence of elderly care or assisted living homes that comply with quality standards and equipped with trained staff. One’s growing age is often accompanied by chronic diseases and neurological disorders which need constant care and unfaltering attention from skilled carers, whether at home or a nursing home, but the question lies as to how one shall initiate a conversation regarding this with their loved ones.   

Assisted living or senior care homes are still very much a foreign concept to many and often associated with emotions like abandonment and burden, especially for the elderly as they become more emotionally sensitive with their growing age. ‘Old age home’ when we hear this, the first thing that comes to mind is the stress, depression, and mental harassment that old people go through and the hopelessness of being devoid of a choice. The truth is for many cases; assisted living homes can help improve the wellbeing of the elderly through interactions in a similar community and assistance with daily living activities.  The perception the society has regarding nursing homes or care homes is that it is unethical and is a place of extreme pain and suffering. However, getting the right care for your ageing loved ones, especially when it comes to a condition that requires 24×7 monitoring, can entail this tough decision that at some point would need to be brought to the notice of your elderly family members too. 

The following points can make one feel more prepared to initiate tough conversations regarding senior living:

Doing necessary research

Before initiating the conversation with your loved ones, do your research and build an understanding of various options, senior care homes near you, the various benefits it can offer so that you have the answers to the critical question raised by your loved one. Assess your budget and expectations so that the necessary preparations regarding the same can be made and relayed to the people involved in the decision-making process.

Don’t procrastinate the conversation 

Having the conversation before the situation of your ageing loved ones worsens is essential not to make any hasty decisions and give ample time to the elderly to get comfortable with the idea. Let them be an active part of the discussions rather than bombarding them with the concept without heeding their concerns.

Listen well

A conversation, especially one that involves your loved ones’ happiness and wellbeing, needs to be a two-way street with more emphasis on listening rather than just getting your point across. Feelings of uneasiness, shock, hurt might appear in the elderly, along with emotional closure in some cases. However, it is your duty as a family member to listen actively to their concerns and understand where they are coming from. It is crucial to understand the importance of tone of voice, approach, wordings, and body language while discussing the idea of elderly care homes with seniors.

Take it slow

Be prepared to have numerous conversations as being too rushed and pushy is not the right answer when it comes to a sensitive topic like assisted living homes. It is a big decision requiring significant life changes and commitment. Therefore, everyone involved should have due time to assimilate the intensity and impact of the ensuing discussions.

Plan a visit

Scheduling tours to local communities and assisted living environments should come as a far off step since you would not want your loved ones to be helpless and paranoid of being devoid of any decision making capability regarding their own lives. However, once the heat has subsided, touring senior care homes and the amenities provided can present a much clearer picture to the elderly. 


There is no doubt that this process encompasses the complexity of emotions and difficulties regarding finding the most appropriate care for the elderly to remain assured of their living quality. The elderly care services at home provided by Senior Care Genie enables families to make more informed and better decisions regarding the right care for their ageing loved ones. Our guidance accompanies you in your emotional difficulties and confusions regarding choosing the aptest assisted living home and at-home care.