While we Make your Parents Transition Easier, Transparency is the Key!

While we Make your Parents Transition Easier, Transparency is the Key!

Senior Caregivers play a vital role in assisting your parents and elderly ones with their basic requirements, medical needs and providing companionship along with emotional support. While caregivers help you take care of your parents, you need to be transparent with them and provide them with authentic & credible information about the whereabouts of your parents. 

Why is transparency with the caregiver important? 

The caregiver you hire becomes responsible for the overall well-being of your parents. Therefore, it is essential for them to know your parents in terms of their habits and medical requirements to avoid any chances of mistakes and perform their jobs in a more reliable way. 

Moreover, when a caregiver knows about your parents in a fulfilled way, they can act immediately during emergencies and unavoidable situations. Hence, Being transparent with the caregiver you hire ensures the safety of your parents and helps you feel relieved knowing that your parents are in safe hands. 

How can you be transparent with the caregiver? 

When it comes to our loved ones, we should not take any chances. When you hire a senior caregiver for your parents, you must ensure that they are aware of the following details about your parents: 

  1. Current Health conditions: You must brief the caregiver you hire about your parents’ current health status to ensure that they are up to date regarding their health condition. This helps them get a better idea of taking care of your parents in the best way possible. For instance, if your parents have diabetes, it gives the caregiver time to preplan your parent’s diet and medication schedule accordingly.
  2. Medical history: While you brief the caregiver about your parents’ current health status, you should also brief him/her about their medical history, i.e. any diseases they have recovered from in the past, any medical surgeries/ operations etc. This will allow the caregiver to be more vigilant and do essential aftercare to prevent the medical condition from happening again. 
  3. Contact details of their doctor: Your parents’ caregiver must have access to their doctor’s number and the address of the nearest hospital facility for regular checkups and medical emergencies. You can also give them the local ambulance’s number to be on the safer side. 
  4. Daily schedule: You should also brief the caregiver about your parents’ daily schedule when they wake up, have breakfast, have evening tea, etc. This will help the caregiver in helping your parents at the comfort of their daily schedule as older adults don’t always go well with instant changes. 
  5. Hobbies, habits, likes & dislikes: These aspects of your parents’ life have a more prominent role to play than you think. Old age often makes people grumpy, and the slightest inconvenience or change that they don’t appreciate can make them feel irritated. Therefore, if their caregiver knows about their habits, likes, dislikes and hobbies, s/he can help your parents transition at ease. For example, your parents’ favourite dish/cuisine, the most likeable TV show, how they like their tea, etc. 
  6. Allergies: If your parents’ have any allergies, you must brief their caregivers about them beforehand. 
  7. Diet Chart: If your parents’ have any dietician who has consulted a specific diet chart, you can brief their caregiver about it so s/he plans their meals according to that. 
  8. Mental Health status: Old age hcan take an emotional toll on your parents as the transition is not easy. If your parents are undergoing psychological counselling or therapy, it is best if their caregiver knows about it. This will assist the caregiver in taking a sensitive approach towards taking care of your parents. 
  9. Exercise schedule: Exercises are a healthy way to keep your parents engaged and active. If your parents follow an exercise schedule, brief their caregiver about it—for example, types of exercises, time of evening walks, etc. 
  10. What are your expectations from the caregiver: Lastly, you should be honest and transparent about what you expect from the caregiver to ensure good cooperation, coordination and communication. Both parties need to be on the same page for the well-being of your parents. 


Transparency strengthens the connection you experience with your parent’s caregiver. Proper, organised and systematic care management is only possible on the grounds of mutual transparency. If you are looking for an old age home in Gurgaon, elder care services, and elderly care services at home, contact Senior Care Genie for more details!

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