Tag: Home Care Services

Spotting early signs of dementia in the elderly

In this busy and fast moving world, how does one ensure optimal care for their elderly loved ones? With so much occupying our time and the lack of proper knowledge, sometimes it can be hard to timely notice the symptoms of various health conditions in the elderly. One such disease is Dementia. Dementia usually occurs in older people. One might even associate the symptoms of dementia as a normal part of ageing due to lack of understanding of this condition. While memory loss and changes in the ability to think can also happen due to ageing, the differentiating factor lies in the severity of the change. 

Dementia has a few noticeable symptoms that occur as a result of cognitive impairment and can affect the elderly’ daily routine including their ability to think, remember. With time these symptoms tend to get worse, so it is important to spot these signs early on to enable the elderly to get optimal care before the condition worsens.

Typically there are ten early dementia signs. Diagnosis for dementia usually occurs when two or more of these symptoms start showing up and affecting the elderly’s daily routine.

The early signs of dementia are:

  • Loss of memory

An elderly with dementia may find it difficult to remember information such as dates, events or any new information that they have recently learnt. They may rely on family and friends or other memory aids to monitor things. Age-related memory loss is something completely different from the memory loss induced by dementia. The point of difference lies in the severity.

  • Difficulty in solving problems

It can be difficult for elderly with dementia to follow a plan, like a recipe during cooking. Navigating daily life activities can also become challenging, for example, adding numbers while calculating bills.

  • Misplacement of things

People with dementia may not recall where they leave everyday items such as remote control, documents, cash, or keys. Often, this misplacement can be mistaken as an act of robbery by elderly with dementia. In such cases, keep your calm and help them find the things that they have misplaced.

  • Less socialising

Elderly with dementia may be uninterested or dicey about socialising with others, be at home or work. They may withdraw themselves and not speak to others.

  • Mood swings and personality changes

The elderly might start experiencing mood swings or changes in personality. They may become irritable, depressed, afraid, or anxious. They can also become agitated or may harm themselves or others in the family.

  • Difficulty in performing simple tasks

Early signs of dementia in the elderly include difficulty in performing their everyday tasks. Activities that they could carry out earlier easily can also become extremely challenging for them. 

Bathing, cooking, and dressing themselves are few of the simplest tasks that the edlerly would need help with if they start showing dementia symptoms.

  • Confusion

Some people start experiencing confusion during early stages of dementia. They can no longer remember faces, find the right words, or normally interact with people.

  • Having trouble in speaking and writing

It can be difficult for an elderly with dementia to communicate well. They may forget what you say or what someone else said. Their spellings, punctuations, and grammar can become distorted, and It can become harder to read their handwriting.

  • Repetitiveness

Repetition in dementia occurs due to memory loss and changes in general behavioural patterns. The individual may repeat everyday tasks, including shaving, or collecting items obsessively.

They may repeat the same question to you again and again even after you have answered them. 

  • Fight to adapt to change.

The symptoms can generate fear in the edlerly during the early stages of dementia. After all,  suddenly they can’t remember people they know and can’t follow what others say. They might not even remember why they went to a particular shop and may even feel lost on the way home.

Transition to a care home: Tips to make the move stress-free for elderly with dementia.

While we all want our loved ones to age gracefully at home, sometimes it can become difficult to take care of them in the best way possible due to time constraints or lack of proper knowledge & skills. Especially when they have specific health conditions such as dementia. Dementia in elderly is caused due to damage in the nerve cells or loss of brain cells. Dementia can affect people differently and can cause different symptoms depending on the area of the brain that has been damaged. In such cases, moving the elderly to a care home can become the most optimal choice, where they are taken care of in a compassionate and skilled manner. However, this process of moving our aged parents or grandparents to a care home could be difficult and stressful for the family members and the elderly. 

Elderly with dementia often find it difficult to move from a familiar environment to a new place. As in a move, they can become disorientated, distressed, and agitated when they feel insecure. For families, it is crucial to understand and recognize the stress of a move on elderly with dementia as it can have severe consequences if not addressed promptly. Chronic anxiety, risk of depression and other emotional health problems are among these.

These tips are essential if you are planning to move your elderly loved one with dementia into a senior care home:

  • Familiarize with the place

Before you move your elderly to a care home, visit the community with the elderly several times to make them familiar with the place. Help them adapt to the new place and empower them to have a positive association with this new setting. Ensure that they feel safe and secure, try to stay there and participate in some activities.

  • Give the bedroom a personalized touch.

Arrange a bedroom with known items that the elderlyl will recognize immediately. Personalized touch and familiar objects will help them feel comfortable.

  • Organize the wardrobe

Often we notice signs of anxiety, frustration and twitching when a person with dementia cannot find clothes or frequently used items. Try to organize clothing on hangers in the closet and try to arrange things in a way familiar to the elderly.

  • Plan your visits regularly

Families and friends need to visit frequently in the first two or three weeks so that elderly do not feel abandoned. Request a copy of the daily schedule, including meals and activities from the care home. Always try and choose the time of your visits wisely. Do not let it clash with any other scheduled programs for the elderly on the given day. It is not necessary to have extended visits. The aim is to assure the person that they are loved and that you will return very soon to meet them again.

  • Communicate with the staff

Communication with the staff will help them to understand the elderly better. Always leave a note having your loved one’s likes and dislikes, favourite food, fun activities, name of their children or grandchildren and make a copy of it and hand it over to the staff. These notes will help the team to engage your elderly in meaningful activities and conversations.

With the help of the Senior care genie, the transition of the elderly from your home to the care home is made easy and less stressful. We at  Senior Care Genie go above and beyond to make this transition as comfortable as possible, while also helping families deal with the process better emotionally as well as logistically.

Our Home Care Services

Older Care at Home, for example, Senior Care Genie, helps with daily living exercises like washing, toileting, taking care of, strolling and so forth. We at Senior Care Genie go about as a nearby ally to your friends and family and are sympathetic about keeping up great cleanliness, diet, and prescriptions as guided by you or your family specialist. Home consideration assumes an active part in advancing the emotional wellbeing of your cherished one through different exercises, for example, by tuning in and conversing with them. To give the best consideration to mature age individual, we make passionate associations with them and inject with a significant degree of persistence and amiability. 

Indeed, it is now and again hard to recognize that your parent/cherished one has arrived at this stage throughout everyday life, except they would require constant caretaking or long haul help. We comprehend and have created plans for home consideration for the older that advance their autonomy while dealing with them in the solace of their own homes. By assessing your adored one’s medical services needs and work with you and your PCP, we foster an arrangement that is best for them, regardless of whether regularly or on an occasional visit, to guarantee they have proceeded with prosperity. 

We will likely loan some assistance to the individuals who have restricted opportunity to deal with the family’s wellbeing because of their expert responsibilities or don’t live near their folks. With our senior resident home consideration administrations for the old, we guarantee significant consideration of your folks by continually observing their state of being and aiding in diminishing their visits to the clinic by getting sorted out visits to your home by a Doctor or a Nurse or a Physiotherapist, and so on. 

Mature Age Care 

Fundamental Healthcare cum Companionship by our staff can be benefited during Day or Night or on Resident/24 hour’s premise; to take significant consideration of wellbeing including care of cleanliness, diet, medicine, real help with developments with walker/wheelchair, light back rub. 

Dementia Care 

We give specific consideration to elderly folks with neuro-degenerative confusion administrations or Alzheimer. We go about as the mind for your adored one and help cognitive battle decline, keep them engaged with the psychological exercises, and ceaselessly take care of them to stay away from any untoward occurrence. 

Parkinson Care 

Extraordinary Care Genie gives particular consideration to older folks with less authority over neuromuscular developments. As their arms/legs shudders, such seniors need actual help for eating, sitting, strolling, dozing to forestall falling/slipping. It is just that somebody remains around during any real work. 

Incapacitated Patient Care 

Care for semi or entirely laid up elderly’s. We help in practically all daily living exercises on the bed and forestall them for additional medical problems through constant situating, back rub, activities, and developments in-and-around to the degree conceivable, to keep away from spontaneous disintegration in wellbeing. 

Domiciliary Care 

Get individual consideration for seniors at your own home, directly from the help with washing and dressing toward the beginning of the day to support toileting during the day. With our domiciliary consideration administrations, let us help seniors in keeping up their satisfaction and freedom. Senior Care Genie, an Old age base in and on Delhi, has guaranteed to give the accompanying offices in any event, during the thickest of the occasions: 

Guardian for Elderly at Home 

Regarding the reasonable yet powerful consideration for the seniors in the solace of their own home, our group of expert older allies for care at home or assistants for mature age individual can help with the most significant level of administrations for everyday necessities and prerequisite. Our home chaperons and guardians for older give top tier care – covering every one of the necessities, including the physical, mental and social exercises. Regardless of whether it’s very own cleanliness, assembly, washing and taking care of, or including patient into specific exercises for mental consideration, our chaperons furnish them with all. 

Specialist Visit At Home 

On the off chance that you or your cherished one is going through clinical treatment and require a specialist’s intercession consistently or need an overall wellbeing check in light of ailment or illness; we at Senior Care Genie assist you with getting a specialist who will visit and treat them in the solace of home. By mentioning a specialist visit at home, you can keep away from the versatility and hanging tight issues for you and your friends and family. 

Nursing Care at Home 

Searching for nursing support in your own home? Senior Care Genie assists you with naming prepared and qualified medical caretakers for home nursing care at your doorsteps. Get clinical consideration by the group of attendants and specialists for patients in their own homes. Return home nursing visits for essential reference and methods like oxygen organization, tracheotomy care, support on a ventilator, urinary catheterization, NG feed, wound dressings, infusions and so forth.  

Senior Care Genie is there to help and support every one of the elderly folks anytime confronting inconvenience.